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Home Again

HomeAgain Microchip - Microchip Injector

HomeAgain Microchip - Microchip Injector

$10.00 USD
Select Microchip Injector Size

HomeAgain Microchip is easy to use. The actual microchip is smaller than a grain of rice and can be easily inserted into your pet.

For extra small dogs, select the extra small microchip (it will come with a 15 gauge injector).

The HomeAgain Microchip contains a unique sequence of 15 numbers and the HomeAgain Pet Recovery System has a foolproof ID, record keeping, and a verification system. Pet microchips contain a radio transmitter, an antenna, and a computer chip that is read by a scanner, allowing animal control, vets, or shelters to obtain owners' information in the event a pet gets lost.

The national recovery network database is managed by the American Kennel Club.

HomeAgain Pet Recovery System Benefits:

  • Gives added protection from theft and fraud
  • Increases value and security for your litter
  • unique ID numbers are encoded in the microchip

Important Note:

The microchip is 134 KHZ ISO compliant and features an anti-migration bonding agent so it stays in place. The Regular 15g needle version features a Temperature Sensor so when scanned it detects the dog's body temperature.

After the microchip is implanted, it is IMPERATIVE that the enrollment form be filled out and mailed or faxed to HomeAgain Recovery Database.

Companion Animal Recovery is available with live agents 24 hours a day, 365 days a year. Have questions? Call them anytime at 1-866-738-4324.

The HomeAgain® microchip will not help your pet if it is not registered.