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Happy Jack

Happy Jack Kennel Dip II - 16oz

Happy Jack Kennel Dip II - 16oz

$34.99 USD

Happy Jack Kennel Dip II in 16-ounce size is for dogs and is a water-based, environmentally friendly, concentrated insecticide with up to 30 days residual effect. Happy Jack Kennel Dip II for Dogs is concentrated, so a little goes a long way.

Happy Jack Kennel Dip II contains 17% Permethrin and 4.25% Piperonyl butoxide to kill fleas, ticks, deer ticks, mange mites, and stable flies on dogs over 25 pounds and 12 weeks of age and their premises.

Excellent for treating minor skin diseases such as sarcoptic mange, summer eczema, hot spots, and more.

Happy Jack Kennel Dip II features:

  • 17% Permethrin
  • 4.25% Piperonyl butoxide
  • Residual effect for up to 30 days

How to use:

Mix 1/2 ounce per gallon of water - dip dog in the mix (or spray until thoroughly wet). Allow the dog to dry. Avoid eyes nose and inside ears (applying the Kennel Dip II to the inner ear flap is ok). To use on premises, mix 1/2 ounce per gallon of water put in a garden sprayer, and spray

KEEP OUT OF THE REACH OF CHILDREN! Watch your dog for any adverse reactions (rash, seizures, vomiting). If any adverse reactions, contact your vet immediately.

If in doubt - consult your Vet. User assumes all risks and liability.