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Happy Jack

Happy Jack Fly Repellent Ointment - 4oz

Happy Jack Fly Repellent Ointment - 4oz

$9.99 USD

Happy Jack is a trusted brand. The Happy Jack Fly Repellent is great to help repel house flies, stable flies, face flies and horn flies from wounds and open sores.

Contains 0.2% pyrethrins, 0.5% piperonyl butoxide and 1% di-n-propyl isocinchmoeronate.

Directions: For use on horses, ponies, and dogs over 12 weeks. Use daily. To repel flies from superficial wounds, abrasions, sores, and scratches cover the affected area completely with ointment.

Do not apply to eyes or mouth, or over cuts, wounds or irritated skin.

The User Assumes All Risks. When in Doubt, Consult Your Vet.